2019年12月,位列2019中国城市创意指数榜第三名。 2019年12月,荣登年度中国城市品牌前10强。 2020年6月,经中央依法治国委入选为第一批全国法治政府建设示范地区和项目名单。
I was sitting on the bench on a metro platform, reading a book on my iPad. And then my train arrived. I quickly picked all my stuff up and got in. And then I realised (of course when the doors were already closed) that… I LEFT MY IPAD ON THE BENCH. And the train is ready to move. Fuck.
But. There was a couple that saw this situation taking place. And they showed without any words that no worries, just get out on the next station and get back. It was kind of a pantomime in 4 seconds between me and them.
And you know what - I returned, they waited for me. And they just gave my iPad back to me. It’s so… humane? You know? I would do the same in their place. But how many people would do that too?
Or another example. If you leave a bag or something else and be back in 5–10 minutes - rest assured, the bag will stay in the same place. I even made my own experiment. I was sitting on the terrace (in a very crowded area) in KFC and realized that I forgot sauce for my fries. Ok well. I just stood up, left all my stuff and went for sauce inside the building.
I would NEVER. DO. IT. IN. MY. NATIVE. COUNTRY. Because it would be the last time I would see my bag, phone and other stuff. I was absent for around 4 minutes… and you know what? I returned, and of course everything was in the same place. And it was every time like this.
In China I began to feel so relaxed about being safe, that I got used to this feeling. And I was robbed because of this in Thailand because yeah, I just left my phone on the bike and left to feed birdies. And when I returned in 5 minutes, of course there was no phone. In fucking 5 minutes.
But that taught me to be more cautious outside of China.
What makes Shenzhen so safe?
Educated people
What is the age mostly for troublemakers all over the world? Teenagers. Because their minds are turning upside down, they are very vulnerable for all wrong inceptions and kids are very easy to be persuaded to become bandits.
In Shenzhen I very rarely even see teenagers on the street.
Ok well, only a few times. In school uniform. They had very dangerous look 🙂
Because they are studying. The whole day. They have school classes, they have extra activities. But for sure they are not wasting their time on the streets.
That really astonished me a lot.
Payment capability
Shenzhen is a rich city. There are really big salaries, lots of well-paid jobs and not so many people as in other Chinese cities to do it.
Ok well, returning to the situation with my iPad. For what sake people would take my glass-broken iPad if they already have the newest iPad and feel free to buy the next one even tomorrow?
People don’t need your stuff if they can afford to buy it. That’s the truth.
Police and video observation
On the streets there are poles with non-stop camera all over Shenzhen. And it is very unreasonable to commit a crime when you are WATCHED all the time, because you will simply be found in 5 minutes. You will not even get a chance to escape. So…
So, what’s the point? Shenzhen is super-safe. Shenzhen is an extremely-safe city! And it’s very warm to foreigners. There is no huge interest in them like in other Chinese cities, because Shenzhen is simply full of foreigners. The biggest your trouble will be a shrink of your space bubble (but you’re in China so just get used to it).
Shenzhen is a very comfortable city for living.
Hope, it would be interesting for you as well.
Here are some photos for you:
Abishiekh Jain, High School Graduate from Agarwal Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School (2017)
I lived in Shenzhen for 24 days, but I'd like to share my views.
It is one of the beautiful and modern places in China.
People there are so amazing, they will go out of their way just to help you. I have written one answer on how a mother daughter went out of their way just to help us get back to our apartment.
It's a very clean place, there are cleaners who clean the place every now and they do their work diligently and even the civilians make sure they don't litter and even if someone else littered, a random civilian will pick it up and put it in thrash, I personally witnessed this. Rare scenario in India though.
I have become friends with locals during my 24 day trip and I am still in touch with them. They all are so sweet and lovely.
It is the most secure place I have ever been to. CCTV cameras are installed everywhere, even inside the buses. I can walk at 2 am in night and not be feared of getting mugged and I used to. I used to take midnight walks and it was such a bliss.
I have even seen girls going out without feeling scared at night. Not a common sight in India.
People trust each other. In some buses there were no conductors and people had to pay only via wechat online payments, there was not a single guy who didn't paid. As soon as they board the bus, scan the qr code and sit. There was a box next to the online payment system where people who didn't have wechat pay can pay the bus fare in cash, and no one cross checked.
If you forget any stuff of yours, don't worry, you go back there, you will find your stuff unmoved.
People there are very sincere and dedicated towards their work.
People are very patient and calm even if they had a bad day.
Language was a barrier but people tried their best to converse in English and we tried our best to speak Chinese. Though I have learned some words whole living there and it was very handy, and locals love it when foreigners use their language. When I spoke in broken Chinese with one local, he smiled and he looked so happy.
The only problem I faced there was FOOD. Yep. You hardly find and vegetarian restaurant over there. If you are a vegetarian, you will find a tough time there.
I will definitely visit Shenzhen once again.
Blair Lewis
In my opinion, Shenzhen is pretty weird.
People who went there 15 years ago to make their fortune, have made it. But it's like these people who live in a nice environment of modern buildings and gardens - are idle rich. They seen like wealthy bored las Vegas plastic surgeons. No interests in life, filthy rich, weird hairdos and clothes.
You go to an office there and the people are the same as westerners. Jaded and competitive.
Shenzhen is kinda like a western city except its all 2 dimensional glamour. Flash buildings and cars - but no Chinese or western culture.
I was there in 2000 till 2003. At that time, it had energy and drive. For the past decade I've been in Guangzhou, but everytime I go to Shenzhen, I get the feeling that it slowed down and got bored.
Chris Kirtley, Family physican (1990-present)
I lived in Shenzhen for about a year. It is an extremely well-planned city, which was just a fishing village 30 years ago. Originally, only the best people in China were allowed in but since 2006 anybody can go there. Many people work in electronics factories in the outlying suburbs (e.g. Longgang, Longhua, Baoan), a lot of them domestic migrants from other parts of Guangdong, Hunan and Hubei provinces and the rest of China. Many famous companies are headquartered there, such as Huawei, tencent (Wechat, QQ) and Taiwanese Apple manufacturer FoxConn (now relocated to Henan). So if you live in Shenzhen I would say you are either a “big fish” working for one of these companies in software or hardware, or you are a factory worker in the suburbs
Sthitapragnya Deshpande, worked at China
Shenzhen is an amazing city - and an eye opener for anyone from the west. primarily because it destroys all the impressions that we have had - about our own nations, about China and about Chinese people. (For example: China is not cheap - and Chinese labour is not cheap either!)
Social differences - just a bit. Primarily women are treated with more respect here than in the west, and families are still typical Asian family style (fililial piety etc)
Economic - China is not cheap, and you might find that salaries in China can be far higher than those in the west (surprise!) - especially for highly qualified people. Food tends to be nearly about the same (but then prices are different across the west ). Chinese people love to consume and you will see this.
Culturally - Of course there are huge differences. Many Asian systems are well entrenched (so an Indian will face far few culture shocks as compared to an American). language - Chinese is supreme and you will find yourselves lost for about 6 months till you start to speak a bit of the language. One realizes after living here that English is NOT the wo4rld's language that it has been touted to be!
It is no doubt amazing experience and one that I highly recommend to anyone who plans to work for the next 20-30 years. After all - this is where the center of the world's economic axis has shifted (China - India primarily)
It has been one year since I came to SZ. In my opinion, SZ is a prestigious city with large population and relatively high level of education and productivity.
Convenient transportation and serious polarization are the two major features of SZ. You can travel around the world by bus/ CRH/ plane/ ferry and so on. You can even arrive at HK no more than one hour by metro. In a word, it can take you wherever you want to.
Generally speaking, life is not easy for the majority of people living in SZ. These high buildings and large mansions combined into a beautiful city which impressed the world. As the construction projects going on, this city is developing at rapid speed. However, people are living in a fast-pace city, we are under great pressure. Low- income people can not afford the skyrocketing propetty prices, thus house renting becomes a common phenomenon. We rent flats, cars, umbrellas and bikes( famous brands such as mobike, ofo).
For most outcomers, living in SZ can be a transitional period but it's hard to settle down here.
Nina Ross, expert of trade and logistics
It is great to live in shenzhen.
1.Very international, and very open.
2.Almost everyone speak mandarin.
3.Very safe.
4.Close to Hongkong.
6.Wide transportation system , metro, high speed train, boat…
7.Shops and night clubs are opened during the night.
8.People are friendly with foreigners, and many foreigners live in shenzhen, you will not be alone.
9.Many international supermarkts, like Ole…
10.Good atmosphere to do your own business